Discover La Palma
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Breña Alta

• The Plaza Bujaz in San Pedro is, next to the Plaza de Los Álamos, the festival place of the small village. The large kiosk has been newly renovated and offers the villagers...
Violeta riviniana • This evergreen herbaceous perennial likes to flower in the sparse laurel forest. When its fruits are ripe, their seeds are shot explosively out of the three-part fruit...
• "Pared vieja" is a recreation area with a playground and barbecues; there are also toilets. It is located between the recreation area "Refugio del Pilar" and the astronomical viewpoint...
• Rescue centre for exotic animals. About 85% of the 300 specimens currently kept there were confiscated by law enforcement officers...
• The traditional production of the palmero ("puro palmero") cigar is labour-intensive and takes time... The hand-harvested tobacco leaves, which thrive particularly...